Berkeley County, South Carolina teacher Ellen Niemiec is a poor excuse for a wife and school instructor.
The 29-year old married mother of three was charged Thursday, May 8, with three counts of sexual battery, two of them felonies because the students were 17, authorities said. The third was 18 Niemiec is accused of having sex with all 3 on April 11 on Cross High School grounds and at a house party. Niemiec would also have sex before and after school with one of the students and sent nude photos of herself via text to all 3.
"It's our understanding that this teacher would have said sexual talks with her class on numerous occasions," said the victims' attorney, Mike Bosnak. "Dirty talk and then she texting nude to them and that type of stuff. And from there is just went on."
Attorney David Aylor speaks to his client Ellen Niemiec in court on Thursday
"This is obviously an extremely difficult situation for her and her family," Niemiec attorneyDavid Aylor told WCIV-TV. "This is a person who has never been involved in anything like this. And never been accused of being involved in anything like this.
Niemiec was placed on administrative leave and is banned from the school campus. She has since been fired

Berkeley County Detective Brian Fenton read a statement addressing the situation.
She was entrusted with educating and keeping her students safe, That's the trust she violated. The Cross community is a very tight-knit, small community. In small communities the school is the center of the community. When a teacher violates her students' trust, she essentially violates the whole community's trust
Sheriff's deputies were notified of the sexual encounters by school administrators.
Berkeley County Magistrate James Polk set Niemiec's bail at $21,092. Upon her release she was forbid from going to the school or having any contact with the students there.
Sources: Post and Courier and WCIV-TV